
topspeed ***选手,***选手best

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较意思的话题,就是关于topspeed ***选手问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍topspeed ***选手的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

  1. speed是什么意?
  2. at the top和on the top的用法区别?



speed的意思是速度。音标[spiːd] 作为名词的意思是速度;成功;繁荣。作为动词的意思是快速移动;使兴旺发达;帮助成功。 例句:

topspeed 电竞选手,电竞选手best

1. He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck. 他催促所有人拼命干活,直到生产遭遇瓶颈。

2. The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed. 这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。

3. It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal. 比赛开始时候形势大好,斯皮德以一记精彩的进球拔得头筹。

topspeed 电竞选手,电竞选手best

4.The car has a top speed of 147 mph.汽车最高时速是147英里。

at the top和on the top的用法区别?

at the top

on the top释义:

topspeed 电竞选手,电竞选手best



He stood up and rested one hobnailed boot on the top of his spade while he looked her over.


at在介词里边是是指在某一点(刚好就是那个点),on是指在某一点以上的地方 on the top of 在物体外部的上面at the top of 在物体内部的上面例如表示屋顶上的东西时用on房子里的日光灯就要用at

at the top of:

1.I waited at the top of the stairs. 我在楼梯顶端等着。

2.He stopped at the top of the stairs. 他在楼梯顶端停了下来。

3.They paused at the top of the stairs, dou***ful as to which way to go next 他们在楼梯顶部停住了,不知道接下来该往哪边走。

4.Who's at the top of your speed-dial list? 你的一键拨号名单上第一个是谁?

5.Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps.有人搞恶作剧整她,在最高的台阶上拉了一根绳子。

on the top of:

1.You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head. 你会注意到你的宝宝头顶上有两处柔软的地方。

2.At last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence within hail. 最后,他们看到他在一个山岭上出现了,置身于欢呼之中。

到此,以上就是小编对于topspeed ***选手的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于topspeed ***选手的2点解答对大家有用。

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